Monday, 25 February 2008

Replace mupltiple Characters from the string

How to Replace mupltiple Characters from the string to a specific character?
How to Replace Special Characters like *,?, /, \, <, >, :, |," from the string to a specific character?

Use following in your C# code
//import RegularExpressions
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

//Now use
Regex.Replace("Orginal String ","Find Characters from the string","Replace with the string");
for e.g.
//I want to replace four character '*'(star) and ','(comma) and ' '(space) and ':'(colon)
Regex.Replace("Str: I, also wants *","[*, :]","-");
System.Console.WriteLine("Str: I, also wants *");
System.Console.WriteLine(Regex.Replace("Str: I, also wants *","[*, :]","-"));

Str: I, also wants *
Str- I- also wants -

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