Saturday, 18 August 2007

Working with Post back in ASP .Net

Working with Post back in ASP .Net

Introduction to ASP .Net Post back:

   Programming model in old ASP for using POST method in form is to post the values of a Form to a second page. The second asp page will receive the data and process it for doing any validation or processing on the server side.

   With ASP .Net, the whole model has changed. Each of the asp .net pages will be a separate entity with ability to process its own posted data. That is, the values of the Form are posted to the same page and the very same page can process the data. This model is called post back.

   Each Asp .net page when loaded goes through a regular creation and destruction cycle like Initialization, Page load etc., in the beginning and unload while closing it. This Postback is a read only property with each Asp .Net Page (System.Web.UI.Page) class. This is false when the first time the page is loaded and is true when the page is submitted and processed. This enables users to write the code depending on if the PostBack is true or false (with the use of the function Page.IsPostBack()).


Implementation of ASP.Net Post back on the Client side:

   Post back is implemented with the use javascript in the client side. The HTML page generated for each .aspx page will have the action property of the form tag set to the same page. This makes the page to be posted on to itself. If we check the entry on the HTML file, it will look something like this.

<form name="_ctl1" method="post" action="pagename.aspx?getparameter1=134" language="javascript" onsubmit="if (!ValidatorOnSubmit()) return false;" id="_ctl1" >

   Also, all the validation code that is written (Required Field Validation, Regular Expression validation etc.,) will all be processed at the client side using the .js(javascript) file present in the webserver_wwwroot/aspnet_client folder.

   With this new ASP .Net model, even if the user wants to post the data to a different .aspx page, the web server will check for the runat='server' tag in the form tag and post the web form to the same .aspx page. A simple declaration as in the following code snippet will be enough to create such a web form.

<form id="form1" runat="server" > 
<!-- place the controls inside -->

Building First Web Application with ASP.Net and IIS

Building First Web Application with ASP.Net and IIS

Installation of IIS Server:

   The first step is to test the installation of IIS and learn how to access web pages on the local computer. To do so, you will need to connect to IIS through Internet Explorer. The following steps detail that test:

1. Open Internet Explorer.


2. Enter http://localhost in the Address bar, and press ENTER.

3. The result should be a default page from the web server.

   This completes the first basic requirement for development of ASP .Net applications. The version of IIS should be 5.0 and above.

Creating the ASP .Net applications:

   The Next Step is to create ?a? directory and make it as Virtual Directory. Below steps? shows how to do that. I assume that you Windows XP Professional/Windows 2000 Installed on your Machine. 

The steps will show you how to mark a directory as an application root directory using Internet Information Services (IIS). This tells you how to create a virtual directory and set the C:\Inetpub\Wwwroot directory as the root directory for your application.

  1. Create a Directory Called as SampleApp.

  2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  3. If you have not done so already, click Switch to Classic View.
  4. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services.
  5. Expand the local computer node (which might be indicated by your computer name), expand Web Sites, and click Default Web Site.
  6. On the Action menu, click New, and then click Virtual Directory.
  7. In the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, click Next.
  8. Enter the name of your application in the Alias text box, and then click Next.
  9. Enter the physical directory that you created to prepare for this walkthrough, C:\SampleApp, and then click Next.
  10. In the Access Permissions page, check the access permissions that you want for your application, and then click Next.
  11. Click Finish.

Now we are ready to write our first Web application.



This is me.... Baby Seal..

L o v e b e a t s

Norway and Canada have a new kind of tourism. Killing baby seals!!!! They call it 'hunting' and it's a sport

L o v e b e a t s

You want to call this sport ??

L o v e b e a t s

Is he a sportsman???

L o v e b e a t s

L o v e b e a t s


L o v e b e a t s

You're our only hope !!!

L o v e b e a t s

Please let it stop. This barbarism shouldn't be possible in our society

L o v e b e a t s

Don't turn your back on us, we are so defenseless, we have no guns, please help us..!!!

L o v e b e a t s
I know these images seem painful for you, but we feel the pain...!! We are being slaughtered by ruthless people and it's going on RIGHT NOW...!!!

L o v e b e a t s

What gives him the right to kill us. Who is he to decide about life and death

L o v e b e a t s

What kind of sport is this..?? I didn't harm anyone..!! I was just swimming around doing nothing, now I'm dead...!!

L o v e b e a t s
Please help me and my friends...!!!

L o v e b e a t s

L o v e b e a t s

You can't just ignore these images..?? Keep silent and doing nothing makes you guilty...!!

L o v e b e a t s

Please help us...!!

L o v e b e a t s

L o v e b e a t s

Please don't leave us alone...!!

L o v e b e a t s

L o v e b e a t s

You can make a statement by
forwarding this mail
to as many people as you can.
Bring these murderers to the attention
of world leaders.
Thank you... !!!!!





Nirmal Kumar Jingar

Software Engineer

CodeWalla Software Development Pvt. Ltd. | Pune | India | ( )

Tel: +91 20 40044120

Mob: +91 9860138209


Prakash Samariya (IT Professional, HDSE)
Mob: 9879074678 Res: +91-79-32924610
Below Nelson's School, Opp SBI, Punit Ahram Road, Maninagar, Ahmedabad - 380008, Gujarat, India.

Asp .net Web.config Configuration File

Asp .net Web.config Configuration File

What is Web.Config File?

Web.config file, as it sounds like is a configuration file for the Asp .net web application. An Asp .net application has one web.config file which keeps the configurations required for the corresponding application. Web.config file is written in XML with specific tags having specific meanings.

What is Machine.config File?

   As web.config file is used to configure one asp .net web application, same way Machine.config file is used to configure the application according to a particular machine. That is, configuration done in machine.config file is affected on any application that runs on a particular machine. Usually, this file is not altered and only web.config is used which configuring applications.


What can be stored in Web.config file?

There are number of important settings that can be stored in the configuration file. Here are some of the most frequently used configurations, stored conveniently inside Web.config file..

  1. Database connections
  2. Session States
  3. Error Handling
  4. Security

Database Connections:

   The most important configuration data that can be stored inside the web.config file is the database  connection string. Storing the connection string in the web.config file makes sense, since any modifications to the database configurations can be maintained at a single location. As otherwise we'll have to keep it either as a class level variable in all the associated source files or probably keep it in another class as a public static variable.

   But it this is stored in the Web.config file, it can be read and used anywhere in the program. This will certainly save us a lot of alteration in different files where we used the old connection.

Lets see a small example of the connection string which is stored in the web.config file.



     <add key="ConnectionString"

          value="server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=;database=DBPerson" />



   As you can see it is really simple to store the connection string in the web.config file. The connection string is referenced by a key which in this case is "ConnectionString". The value attribute of the configuration file denotes the information about the database. Here we can see that if has database name, userid and password. You can define more options if you want.

There is a very good website that deals with all sorts of connection strings. Its called , in the website you will find the connection strings for most of the databases.

Lets see how we access the connection string from our Asp .net web application. 

using System.Configuration;

string connectionString = (string )ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];

The small code snippet above is all that is needed to access the value stored inside the Web.config file.

Session States:

   Session in Asp .net web application is very important. As we know that HTTP is a stateless protocol and we needs session to keep the state alive. Asp .net stores the sessions in different ways. By default the session is stored in the asp .net process. You can always configure the application so that the session will be stored in one of the following ways.

1) Session State Service

   There are two main advantages of using the State Service. First the state service is not running in the same process as the asp .net application. So even if the asp .net application crashes the sessions will not be destroyed. Any advantage is sharing the state information across a Web garden (Multiple processors for the same computer).

Lets see a small example of the Session State Service.

<sessionState mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=sa;password='' cookieless="false" timeout="20"/>

The attributes are self explanatory but I will go over them.

mode: This can be StateServer or SqlServer. Since we are using StateServer we set the mode to StateServer.

stateConnectionString: connectionString that is used to locate the State Service. 

sqlConnectionString: The connection String of the sql server database.

cookieless: Cookieless equal to false means that we will be using cookies to store the session on the client side.  


2) SQL Server  

The final choice to save the session information is using the Sql Server 2000 database. To use Sql Server for storing session state you need to do the following:

1) Run the InstallSqlState.sql script on the Microsoft SQL Server where you intend to store the session.

You web.config settings will look something like this:

<sessionState mode = "SqlServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source="SERVERNAME;user id=sa;password='' cookiesless="false" timeout="20"/>

SQL Server lets you share session state among the processors in a Web garden or the servers in a Web farm. Apart from that you also get additional space to store the session. And after that you can take various actions on the session stored.

The downside is SQL Server is slow as compared to storing session in the state in process. And also SQL Server cost too much for a small company.

3) InProc:

  This is another Session State. This one is mostly used for development purposes. The biggest advantage of using this approach is the applications will run faster when compared to other Session state types. But the disadvantage is Sessions are not stored when there is any problem that occurs with the application, when there is a small change in the files etc., Also there could be frequent loss of session data experienced.. 

Error Handling: 

Error handling is one of the most important part of any web application. Each error has to be caught and suitable action has to be taken to resolve that problem. web.config file lets us configure, what to do when an error occurs in our application.

Check the following xml tag in the web.config file that deals with errors:

<customErrors mode = "On">

<error statusCode = "404" redirect = "errorPage.aspx" />


This tells the to display custom errors from a remote client or a local client and to display a page named errorPage.aspx. Error "404" is "Page not found" error.

If custom error mode is turned "off" than you will see default error message. This error messages are good for debugging purposes but should never be exposed to the users. The users should always be presented with friendly errors if any.


The most critical aspect of any application is the security. offers many different types of security method which can be used depending upon the condition and type of security you need.

1) No Authentication: 

No Authentication means "No Authentication" :) , meaning that will not implement any type of security.

2) Windows Authentication:

The Windows authentication allows us to use the windows user accounts. This provider uses IIS to perform the actual authentication, and then passes the authenticated identity to your code. If you like to see that what windows user is using the application you can use:


This returns the DOMAIN\UserName of the current user of the local machine.

3) Passport Authentication:

Passport Authentication provider uses Microsoft's Passport service to authenticate users. You need to purchase this service in order to use it.

4) Forms Authentication:

Forms Authentication uses HTML forms to collect the user information and than it takes required actions on those HTML collected values.

In order to use Forms Authentication you must set the Anonymous Access checkbox checked. Now we need that whenever user tries to run the application he/she will be redirected to the login page.

<authentication mode="Forms">

<forms loginUrl = "frmLogin.aspx" name="3345C" timeout="1"/>



<deny users="?" />


As you can see we set the Authentication mode to "Forms". The forms loginUrl is the first page being displayed when the application is run by any user.

The authorization tags has the deny users element which contains "?", this means that full access will be given to the authenticated users and none access will be given to the unauthenticated users. You can replace "?" with "*" meaning that all access is given to all the users no matter what.

Prakash Samariya (IT Professional, HDSE)
Mob: 9879074678 Res: +91-79-32924610
Below Nelson's School, Opp SBI, Punit Ahram Road, Maninagar, Ahmedabad - 380008, Gujarat, India.
